Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Blamb." Lamb- Buffalo Totem Animal

A "Blamb" is a lamb buffalo totem animal. A unique spirit animal who survived only the days of Atlantis. A powerful totem who evokes abundance and prosperity with the gentle nature of lamb baby love. Gentle, kind, and given to gifts of intuition. If this totem has chosen you, get plenty of sleep and limit your beer intake-only on weekends.

Special note: However Avenue is an anthropomorphic venue.

Anthropomorphism:To ascribe human form or attributes to (an animal, plant, material objects, and non-material forms, deities, etc.) Ancient roots- as a literary storytelling device

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jolly Green Giant's Loin Cloth

Here on However Avenue, neighbor "B" produces lettuce and chard large enough to be Jolly's loin pants.

Preparing Jolly Green's loin kale to make chips.